Don’t get bent over a Barrel

Shop Red Meadows General Store!

Welcome to Red Meadows General Store

We are so excited to bring you a new way to grab the gun of your dreams! We are now holding a “Weekly Deal” on Tuesdays and Thursdays where we will raffle off two guns. We are using this as a way to benefit not only customers, but we will also be donating a portion to charity each week following the raffles.

Make sure to read our rules and how to enter:

  1. Each Raffle we will have 30 slots that will be available, and you are able to purchase as many as you want. These slots will be taken as soon as someone comments the number they wish to grab and will be at the discretion of our team to choose who got each slot first.
  2. We will ONLY be accepting PayPal as the form of payment to protect our business as well as yourself. PLEASE only choose a random emoji as the reason for payment, otherwise we will be flagged when the money is sent.
  3.  When purchasing a raffle ticket, YOU must be the one to pick up the gun and it should reflect the same full name on your license. For obvious reasons, we will perform a background check on the person who wins the raffle. If you hold a Ga Carry License, this will exempt you from the background check. If there is any reason to which the background check will be flagged, we strongly urge AGAINST playing all together.
  4. PLEASE do not make any unnecessary comments, and we ask that you only comment the slots that you wish to get.
  5. When ALL slots are filled, we will give 15 minutes to collect all outstanding ticket money and if you do not pay within the timeframe your tickets will then be relisted. We will go LIVE once the raffle is filled and show the winner on our Facebook platform.
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